Thursday, August 18, 2016

Last few things & This will help you get up and out the door!

First, ladies, what an absolutely fantastic time we had on Wednesday!!!!  Thank you for an amazing summer of fun, fitness, and friends. You girls rock and I feel incredibly humble to have the opportunity to have gotten a chance to walk/run with you!  Let's plan to do it again next summer!

Reminder that the remaining schedule for this summer is:
Wednesday 8/24 at 5:30 p.m. White Bridge with a walk & talk stroll to gatehouse; if you would like to go out to eat afterward, feel free to plan that

Thursday 8/25 at 5:30 p.m. White Bridge for a bonus day of training :)   I'm happy to share dinner with anyone who wants to join me - we can go anywhere - new wings place or Mexican.  Hope you can join us, but understand if you have plans.

Now, for the cool article I was talking HERE to check out the amazing health benefits of walking for even a few minutes a day. 

Hope to see you Thursday, but if not, I'll be in touch for the Fort 4 Fitness Friday packet-pickup about 2 weeks before the event. 

Happy Striding!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Upcoming Schedule

As we discussed at last night's (8/10) training and was emailed to you this morning (8/11),

Wednesday, 8/17
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
6:30-8:00 p.m. El Camino

Wednesday, 8/24
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
y'all can organize going out to eat afterward if you want to

Thursday, 8/25
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
6:30-8:00 p.m. Mariachi Loco (or should we try the new wings place?)

13 Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise

We all know that walking/running and exercise in general has many physical health benefits, but did you know it's good for your mind and mental health as well.  Check out THIS article to learn 13 ways exercise can improve your cognitive and emotional health. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Please vote in the poll

Attention current striders - 
As I explained in an email earlier this week, due to my BSU teaching schedule, I will not be able to attend our last session on 8/24 (for the record, I hate this scheduling conflict and am very sad to miss it).  This session is typically an easy stroll and chat from the white bridge to the park gate house where everyone walks together and catches up with others in the group who you may not have walked with on a weekly basis.  The session is traditionally followed by eating out at a local Mexican Restaurant.  It's just a really fun time to fellowship with one another and celebrate everyone's accomplishments.
I wanted to pose some possible alternate options in the form of a poll on the right side of the blog.  Please click your top 1-2 options and we'll go with majority rules.  The poll will close on Wednesday, 8/10 at 3:00 p.m. so please cast your vote by then.

Again, I truly regret this situation and am so very thankful for our group!!!!!  See you Wednesday!
Happy Striding!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sweatin' & Splashin' this Wednesday (8/3)

Just a reminder that our striders group has been invited to the Bluffton Community Pool to cool off, relax, and socialize after our striding session this Wednesday, 8/3.  No matter the weather, please plan on dipping in your toes or going full in with a big cannon ball.  Can't wait to hang out with you awesome striders!
See you Wednesday at 5:30 at Elm & Bennett parking lot.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Power of Walking/Running Buddies

One of my favorite aspects of Summer Striders is that it involves a group of people who may have different individual goals but who are all looking to accomplish the same thing - have fun, get moving, and become healthier.  It's been true in my own life and research continues to support, the power of having a walking/running buddy in keeping you motivated to keep striding!  As a social person, it's just way more fun to walk/run with someone else.
Check out THIS article with more information.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A refreshing dip on 8/3/16

As I emailed you all, our striders group has been invited to join the last Wacky Wednesday pool party next week (8/3) for FREE!!!! 

I think the Parks Dept feels pitty for us because of the very hot temperatures we've been battling and has offered to allow us to join the festivities at no cost. 

Just think about how refreshing it will be to take a dip in the temperature controlled pool immediately after our striders training next Wednesday, 8/3.  AHHHHHHH I can already feel the amazingness!

Even if you don't want to swim, please consider just coming over to the pool to hang out and socialize for a bit.  Hope we can all take advantage of this opportunity and perhaps even start a new tradition (who says eating at Mexican at the end of the session has to be our only tradition :)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Fort 4 Fitness Discount Ends in a week

Never thought about doing a race?  Couldn't imagine being involved in a race event with 10K people?  Well, breaking's an absolutely life changing event!  If you can walk two miles as of right now, you have plenty of time to train up to do the 4 mile Fort 4 Fitness.  If you can do 3.5 miles right now, you have plenty of time to train up to do the 10K at the Fort 4 Fitness.  If you are hitting 5-6 miles right now, you can train up to do the half marathon.  Seriously - think about making the commitment!

Last chance for the discounted price by going to



CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! a side perk, I always lead a group of 6-12 people up to the packet pick up on Friday night where I show you where the start/finish lines are, give you tips and hints, and point out other important race morning info such as parking and meeting up with your family/friends.  We also go out to eat at Zianos to "carb up" for race day.  It's just a super fun time of past and present summer striders coming together in a celebratory party!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Seven Strategies to Spice Up Your Striding Success

By this time in the summer, with the heat and school looming right around the corner, walking/ running can sometimes feel boring and easy to move to the back burner.  Try these 7 Suggestions to keep it interesting and fun:

1.  Walk/run in a new location. Around Wells County, try the paved path behind Ossian Elementary School or the big rectangle around the Bluffton Schools.  Want a fun shady option?  Try the Operation Wellness path at the 4H park.  If you find yourself at Jefferson Point in FW, they have 2 marked loops around their property (an inside loop and an outside loop) that are fun and really feel kind of exotic since it weaves through all of their beautiful landscaping.

2.  Walk/run on a different surface.  Always walking on a road?  Try a path or a trail.  Oubache state park has many trails to help you spice up your stroll and make it not only more fun, but interesting.  Try around the bison pin or trail 5 or keep it simple with just walking around the lake.

3.  Take your walk/run with a friend or change up your striding buddy.  The change in conversation can feel like a breath of fresh air.

4.  Challenge yourself to change up the pace.  Interval training is all the rage to increases metabolism and burn calories, but it can also take away the boredom from the same ol' walk/run.  Add short to medium length intervals of faster walking (take more steps per minute rather than making the strides longer) or add a jog or spring burst every few minutes depending on your fitness level.

5.  Walk/run at a different time of the day.  If you're always a morning walker/runner - try a later afternoon or evening walk.  It's not a huge change, but can really feel like a completely different thing.

6.  Move your striding indoors.  With this week's heat dome it's really dangerous to be outside!  Combined with some potential monotony, moving your striding session indoors just may be what is needed to re-invigorate you.  Using a dreadmill (ehr, I mean treadmill) can be a welcomed break - try one of the preset courses and/or programmed workouts to add spice and challenge.  Also, you may find yourself being a "mall walker" at Glenbrook - ain't no shame in the game.  Come this fall, the Parks Dept opens their gym for daily walking. 

7.  Walk/run an event.  I used to do a couple races each month not so much because I love racing, bur races and charity walks offer many added benefits.  First, there are tons of people to talk to, look at, support, and be cheered on by.  Second, they are often for a good cause.  Third, there are water stations throughout the event and snacks at the finish line (I mean that alone makes it worth it).  And finally, they challenge you to push yourself to move out of your comfort zone.  I'm a BIG fan of races and charity walks and strongly encourage you to make the commitment, register, and experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with crossing the finish line (where, sometimes there are medals and t-shirts ....woot woot).

Monday, July 11, 2016

Did you know?????

 Water makes up 65-75% of an adult body.  It's important to maintain adequate hydration levels in order to maintain proper blood chemistry (including electrolytes), remove waste and toxins, replenish and repair fatigued muscles, and so much more.  Drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily is required for optimal health BUT.....that's not enough if you're sweating....for every 20 minutes of physical activity you should drink 8 additional ounces of water.  If you're traveling on a plane, you need an additional 8 ounces of water for every hour you're in the plane (plane air is very dehydrating).  Other times you need more than the basic recommendation is if you are at a high altitude (such as in Colorado), pregnant, or recovering from illness.   Also certain medications and dietary habits (high sodium consumption) can mean you should add more water to your diet.

The temperature of the water you drink has different effects.

If you drink cold water:
- it lowers your body temperature which can be helpful when working out, being outside in hot weather, or need to lower a fever.
-it quenches your thirst most effectively

If you drink room-temperature water:
-it makes you feel full so if you're trying to lose weight, it can be a good strategy to ward off hunger pangs
-it is easiest for your body to readily use so it replenishes lost fluids from things like sweating

Now that you know....drink up :) Happy Sippin'

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Second Session Summer Striders Starts Tonight!

Want to find the fun in walking again?  Need the accountability that a walking partner/group can provide?  Want to get faster or go further?  Just need help getting out of the door or taking the first step?  Summer Striders may be just the thing you need!  An 8 week program made up of amazingly fun people of varying abilities and ages.  We have runners, interval users, new to running, experienced power walkers, walkers, and newbie walkers - you'll definitely have people to walk/run with in this group! 

Our first session is tonight (Wednesday, July 6th) at 5:30.  We will meet on the 2nd floor of City Hall.  The cost is only $10 for 8 weeks and if you want to bring your kids or other family members, the cost is only $20 for the entire household).  Didn't pre-register - no worries.  Just show up - we'll get you signed up. 

Bring a friend, co-worker, church member, neighbor, family member or come by yourself and meet some new friends! 

If you can't make it tonight, no problem.  Check out the "Schedule" link at the top of this blog - you can meet up with along the greenway.  I'll have the registration paperwork a the first 4 sessions so you can join anytime. 

Let's Stride together to a happier healthier summer!  See you there!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Summer Striders Session 2 Starts Soon!!!

Our second session of Summer Striders starts THIS Wednesday, July 6th at 5:30 p.m.  Join us on the 2nd floor of City Hall.  Can't make it to the first session?  No problem!  Click on the schedule tab at the top of this blog to find out where we will meet each week and join us there.  I will have the registration forms available every week.

Hope to see you there!

Happy Birthday America!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day!!!!! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Motivating factors....a series #4

Looking for some motivation to keep you going?  The last few blog posts have offered motivating facts in the areas of health (mental, physical, environmental, etc).  Enjoy this last of 4 posts with facts to keep you motivated every STEP of the way.  All information comes from this article.

Get inspired

  • One mile is about 2,000 steps, or a 20-minute walk.
  • A study of Amish adults by Novartis Nutrition found that men take an average of 18,425 steps a day and women take 14,196. Compare that to about 4,000 steps for the average American adult and it is easy to see why only 4% of Amish adults are obese, versus 31% of the general population.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

6/22/16 in case of storm....

Where have the past 8 weeks gone?  I cannot believe that we have arrived at the last of the first, time really has flown by! 

 So for our last session on 6/22/16 ....what a's suppose to storm.  I just wanted to touch base with the "what if" scenarios.  If it's just raining we'll still take our final talk & walk.  If it's storming (torrential downpour, lightening and/or thunder) then we will not walk.  No matter what the weather - we WILL still meet for our Mexican celebration at about 6:45.  Can't wait to celebrate our huge accomplishments - so proud of each and every one of you!

Thank you all for an amazing session -hope you'll join us for the second session starting again on 7/6 at 5:30 at City Hall (schedule is posted under the schedule tab).

Motivating Facts....a series #3

Looking for some motivation to keep you going?  The next few blog posts will offer motivating facts in the areas of health (mental, physical, environmental, etc).  Check back weekly to find facts to keep you motivated every STEP of the way.  All information comes from this article.

Get a greener planet

  • The 1995 National Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) found that approximately 40% of all car trips are less than 2 miles in length — which represents a 10-minute bike ride or less than 40-minutes of walking. Also, since "cold starts" create high levels of emissions, shorter car trips are more polluting on a per-mile basis than longer trips.
  • The cost of operating a car for one year is approximately $5,170. The cost of operating a bicycle for a year is only $120. Walking is free!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Motivating facts...a series #2

Looking for some motivation to keep you going?  The next few blog posts will offer motivating facts in the areas of health (mental, physical, environmental, etc).  Check back weekly to find facts to keep you motivated every STEP of the way.  All information comes from this article.

Get a better body

  • Walking one mile a day burns 100 calories. You could lose ten pounds in a year without changing your eating habits.
  • A recent Harvard study shows that walking at a moderate pace (3mph) for up to 3 hours a week — or 30 minutes a day — can cut the risk of heart disease in women by as much as 40%.
  • The Journal of the American Medical Association found that women who walk in their 30s and 40s can greatly reduce their risk of breast cancer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Motivating factors....a series #1

Looking for some motivation to keep you going?  The next few blog posts will offer motivating facts in the areas of health (mental, physical, environmental, etc).  Check back weekly to find facts to keep you motivated every STEP of the way.  All information comes from this article.

Get peace of mind

  • The Duke University Medical Center found that a brisk 30-minute walk or jog around a track three times a week was just as effective as antidepressant medication in relieving the symptoms of major depression in middle-aged and elderly people.
  • A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine last year showed that older women who walked regularly were less likely to develop memory loss and other declines in mental function than women who were less active. Those who walked 18 miles or more per week fared best.
  • According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, walking helps you maintain a positive outlook, and can make you look and feel younger.

Heat Safety

We're hitting the summer heat and it's extremely important to be on the "safety" tab at the top of this blog and scroll down to "heat safety" for some helpful tips to stay cool while striding :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"Spa" Water

  Adding fruit to water is nothing new, but did you know it's often referred to as "spa" water...yeah, pretty West Coast if you ask me.  Infused water is such a healthy trend that special water bottles are on the market.  Or click HERE to see some options on

We all have had water with a lemon wedge, but have you tried these options to spice up your water for a refreshing summer drink (list from here)

1. Cucumber Mint Fresh mint goes well with any fruit, the taste is so refreshing!
2. Strawberry Cucumber
3. Lemon Strawberry
4. Cucumber Lemon Mint
5. Lemon Mint
6. Apple Cucumber
7. Apple Strawberry Lemon Mint
8. Strawberry Mint
9. Grapefruit Lemon Orange Lime – A delicious citrus infusion.
10. Grapefruit Lemon
11. Blackberry Sage
12. Blueberry Lemon
13. Raspberry Lime
14. Raspberry Peach
15. Raspberry Mint
16. Orange Mint
17. Blackberry Lime
18. Mango Orange
19. Blood Orange Mango
20. Kiwi Strawberry
21. Kiwi Lime
22. Papaya Lime
23. Papaya Orange
24. Orange Strawberry
25. Grape Lemon
26. Ginger Lemon
27. Ginger Mint
28. Pineapple Orange
29. Pineapple Strawberry
30. Pineapple Blueberry
31. Pineapple Mint
32. Pineapple Sage
33. Cantaloupe Mint
34. Honeydew Melon Mint
35. Cucumber Melon
36. Watermelon Raspberry
37. Watermelon Rosemary
38. Lemon Lime
39. Apple Lemon
40. Mango Strawberry

Add any of these fresh herbs for a new twist on any flavor: Mint, Lavender, Thyme, Basil, Sage, Rosemary, Tarragon

Not sure you're "on-board" with the new trend - cool your water off with frozen fruit such as berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberry)

Do you drink fruit infused water?  If so, what is your favorite combo?

Because I owe you more...

One of the most shocking walking statistics I have ever come across is that to burn off the calories in one regular M & M candy, you must walk the entire length of a football field (end zone to end zone).  Wow - that really makes you think twice about mindless eating.

Another scary fact I happened up on this past school year is that if you eat just one regular potato chip every day, you'll gain one pound at the end of the year - wow!!  Really shows you how small things add up!

So those got me to thinking, what are some other examples of steps to burn off foods. 

I found this article which had some really interesting (and mortifying) eating/walking calculations.

Coca-Cola (20 fl. oz.)

If you’re going to drink one of those plastic bottles of Coke, choose a convenience store that’s a few miles away and walk there, because you’ll need to take a 55-minute stroll to burn off 240 calories.

McDonald’s McRib

Sure, this seasonal favorite is made from real meat—as McDonald’s has so considerately shown us. But unless you have time to take a two-hour run, it’ll be hard to work off the 500 calories in a McRib sandwich.

Lay’s Potato Chips (15 Pieces)

Even if you don’t scarf down the entire bag, you’d still have to jump rope for 12 minutes to burn off the 160 calories in a suggested serving of potato chips.

Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnut

To work off the 190 calories in this all-American treat, push mow the lawn for 26 minutes.

Pepperoni Pizza (Slice)

Want to undo those 324 calories from eating a slice of pepperoni pizza? Go for a 30-minute bike ride (and don’t go easy on the pedals).

Hershey’s Chocolate Bar

Run for 52 minutes to work off the 210 calories in this sweet treat.

Cheerios and Milk

To work off the 150 calories in a bowl of Cheerios and skim milk, take a 35-minute morning stroll.

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

This seasonal treat isn’t as wholesome as it sounds; at 380 calories, it’s worse than a bottle of Coke. It would take a 40-minute swim to burn off all those calories.

Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake

A one-hour run will burn off the 248 calories in a regular size red velvet cupcake from Sprinkles.

Something interesting..finally :)

Please accept my apology for the delay in getting this posted....

From Runners World, 10 Tips for Newbie Runners (but the tips work well for walkers too):

1.  Invest in the right pair of shoes - I strongly encourage you to visit 3 Rivers Running, Fred Toegnes, or Fleet Feet to get fitted for your specific foot and gait.

2.  Go the distance rather than time - slow it down, be patient, and don't worry about your pace

3.  Remember that rest days are training days too - you can use them to cross train, weight lift, or just recovery

4.  Join a running group - well, we can all put a big check mark next to that one - thank you Summer Striders :)

5.  Make running (or walking) a habit, even if that means getting out for a few minutes per day - everyone is busy, but it's not an "all or nothing" game...even a 15 mile one mile walk is worth doing -  not every training session has to be an hour and 5 miles or nothing...every step counts toward improving your health

6. Build mileage gradually - we work on this each week, but in your folders during the first session you'll find some logical mileage progression training plans

7.  Don't dread taking walk breaks - so that's for the runners out there, but as a walker, I would suggest that you incorporate small bursts of faster walking a few times throughout the training session.  Doing these bursts help rev up metabolism, charge your heart and lungs, and burn more calories.

8.  Keep a training log - it's helpful to use an app, a tracking device, or even old fashioned paper and pencil - track your accomplishments (there is a tracking sheet in your folder)

9.  Mix in cross training to supplement your running (or walking) - doing sports, riding a bike, doing a fitness class, or swimming can be helpful to take pressure off taxed joints and muscles used during walking/running PLUS it keeps you happy and healthy

10.  Set small, achievable goals - signing up for a 5K, 10K or half marathon (depending on your fitness level) is a great way to help you work toward a goal

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Some tips for walkers and runners

Wacky Wednesday Walking Weather continues....freezing and windy week one, hot and humid week two....drum roll to see what week 3 bring.

I thought you might be interested in some helpful and interesting tips.

Click HERE for some fun walking tips.

Click HERE for some fun running tips

See you Wednesday evening!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Email sent today at about 7:30 p.m. 5/8

Happy Mothers Day Striders!

I'm so excited that we have begun Summer Striders 2016.  With 76 degrees on December 19th and 46 degrees on 5/4, I'm finding the weather anything but boring!

I wanted to let you know that I just sent an email to everyone on the registration sheet that was circulated on Wednesday night.  If you did not get an email from me this evening, please let me know on Wednesday (or if you know my email address, you can email me to let me know). 

This email group will help me to communicate urgent issues such as changes to the schedule or weather issues (to the extent that I'm able).  The blog serves as the central repository for all general communication as well as tips & hints to improve your walking, running, or as I have coined a new term -'s my combo of shuffling and jogging....:)

See you Wednesday at 5:30 at the Hardees Pavilion. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016

Summer Striders 2016 schedule posted

These amazing spring time temperatures are really getting me excited to begin Summer Striders....I've posted the weekly schedule under the "schedule" tab at the top of this blog.  You can also find it HERE.

To sign up, call or email the parks department.

Join us at City Hall (2nd floor) for our first session at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4th!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Striders will be back in 2016....join us

Summer Striders 2016 is on the books the Parks Department to sign up today!  All Wednesday evening sessions are at 5:30 p.m.   The first week meets on the 2nd floor of City Hall for registration and introductions followed by a 1 mile meet & greet stroll so come dressed in comfy shoes.  A session schedule indicating each week's meeting place will be posted on this blog by the end of April as well as distributed during the first session. 
Session 1:  May 4-June 22nd
Session 2:  July 6-Aug 24th