
Weather Policy - Summer Striders

Light to Moderate Rain - 
We will still meet and train.  You won't melt I promise (though I'm sure you are all as sweet as sugar)!  You may want to bring a rain jacket or umbrella.

Heavy Rain (like you can't see 2 feet in front of you heavy) - 
We will meet but I request you wait in your cars to see if it lightens up.  If it doesn't clear up by 6:00 p.m., we will cancel the session and not walk.  

Thunder/Lightening - 
This is always a tricky one.  We will NOT set out for a training session  in the lightening or thunder.  An active storm containing lightening and thunder that is not likely to end by 6:00 p.m. will result in a cancellation of the session.  If there is sparse lightening and thunder that is likely to end by 6:00 p.m., then we will wait in our cars or other shelter until it passes.  If lightening or thunder develops while a training session is going on, please seek shelter immediately. 

Severe Thunderstorm Warning/Tornado Warning for Bluffton
If the warning expires prior to 5:30 p.m. we will still meet.  If the warning expires after 5:30 p.m. we will NOT meet.  

Excessive Heat Warning/Ozone Action Alert - 
We will meet, but you should use your personal judgement as far as what is best for you.  We WILL reduce the distance and slow the pace of our training.  You MUST bring water or sports drink with you in order to be allowed to participate in the training. 

Flooded greenway - 
If the greenway is flooded or otherwise unusable, I will post an announcement about meeting in a different location or about an alternate plan.  In most cases we WILL still meet; but I will let you know a plan based on the information available at the time. 

In all cases, the participant must use his/her personal judgement.  The program leader will monitor weather conditions before and during the sessions as needed.  When in doubt, we put safety first.