Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Because I owe you more...

One of the most shocking walking statistics I have ever come across is that to burn off the calories in one regular M & M candy, you must walk the entire length of a football field (end zone to end zone).  Wow - that really makes you think twice about mindless eating.

Another scary fact I happened up on this past school year is that if you eat just one regular potato chip every day, you'll gain one pound at the end of the year - wow!!  Really shows you how small things add up!

So those got me to thinking, what are some other examples of steps to burn off foods. 

I found this article which had some really interesting (and mortifying) eating/walking calculations.

Coca-Cola (20 fl. oz.)

If you’re going to drink one of those plastic bottles of Coke, choose a convenience store that’s a few miles away and walk there, because you’ll need to take a 55-minute stroll to burn off 240 calories.

McDonald’s McRib

Sure, this seasonal favorite is made from real meat—as McDonald’s has so considerately shown us. But unless you have time to take a two-hour run, it’ll be hard to work off the 500 calories in a McRib sandwich.

Lay’s Potato Chips (15 Pieces)

Even if you don’t scarf down the entire bag, you’d still have to jump rope for 12 minutes to burn off the 160 calories in a suggested serving of potato chips.

Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnut

To work off the 190 calories in this all-American treat, push mow the lawn for 26 minutes.

Pepperoni Pizza (Slice)

Want to undo those 324 calories from eating a slice of pepperoni pizza? Go for a 30-minute bike ride (and don’t go easy on the pedals).

Hershey’s Chocolate Bar

Run for 52 minutes to work off the 210 calories in this sweet treat.

Cheerios and Milk

To work off the 150 calories in a bowl of Cheerios and skim milk, take a 35-minute morning stroll.

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

This seasonal treat isn’t as wholesome as it sounds; at 380 calories, it’s worse than a bottle of Coke. It would take a 40-minute swim to burn off all those calories.

Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake

A one-hour run will burn off the 248 calories in a regular size red velvet cupcake from Sprinkles.

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