Thursday, August 18, 2016

Last few things & This will help you get up and out the door!

First, ladies, what an absolutely fantastic time we had on Wednesday!!!!  Thank you for an amazing summer of fun, fitness, and friends. You girls rock and I feel incredibly humble to have the opportunity to have gotten a chance to walk/run with you!  Let's plan to do it again next summer!

Reminder that the remaining schedule for this summer is:
Wednesday 8/24 at 5:30 p.m. White Bridge with a walk & talk stroll to gatehouse; if you would like to go out to eat afterward, feel free to plan that

Thursday 8/25 at 5:30 p.m. White Bridge for a bonus day of training :)   I'm happy to share dinner with anyone who wants to join me - we can go anywhere - new wings place or Mexican.  Hope you can join us, but understand if you have plans.

Now, for the cool article I was talking HERE to check out the amazing health benefits of walking for even a few minutes a day. 

Hope to see you Thursday, but if not, I'll be in touch for the Fort 4 Fitness Friday packet-pickup about 2 weeks before the event. 

Happy Striding!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Upcoming Schedule

As we discussed at last night's (8/10) training and was emailed to you this morning (8/11),

Wednesday, 8/17
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
6:30-8:00 p.m. El Camino

Wednesday, 8/24
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
y'all can organize going out to eat afterward if you want to

Thursday, 8/25
5:30-6:30 p.m. White Bridge Parking Lot
6:30-8:00 p.m. Mariachi Loco (or should we try the new wings place?)

13 Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise

We all know that walking/running and exercise in general has many physical health benefits, but did you know it's good for your mind and mental health as well.  Check out THIS article to learn 13 ways exercise can improve your cognitive and emotional health. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Please vote in the poll

Attention current striders - 
As I explained in an email earlier this week, due to my BSU teaching schedule, I will not be able to attend our last session on 8/24 (for the record, I hate this scheduling conflict and am very sad to miss it).  This session is typically an easy stroll and chat from the white bridge to the park gate house where everyone walks together and catches up with others in the group who you may not have walked with on a weekly basis.  The session is traditionally followed by eating out at a local Mexican Restaurant.  It's just a really fun time to fellowship with one another and celebrate everyone's accomplishments.
I wanted to pose some possible alternate options in the form of a poll on the right side of the blog.  Please click your top 1-2 options and we'll go with majority rules.  The poll will close on Wednesday, 8/10 at 3:00 p.m. so please cast your vote by then.

Again, I truly regret this situation and am so very thankful for our group!!!!!  See you Wednesday!
Happy Striding!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sweatin' & Splashin' this Wednesday (8/3)

Just a reminder that our striders group has been invited to the Bluffton Community Pool to cool off, relax, and socialize after our striding session this Wednesday, 8/3.  No matter the weather, please plan on dipping in your toes or going full in with a big cannon ball.  Can't wait to hang out with you awesome striders!
See you Wednesday at 5:30 at Elm & Bennett parking lot.